We thrive upon challenges that others shy away from.
Our record includes hundreds of first-of-a-kind projects around the world. Starting with your “Eureka” moment, we will work with you all the way through commercial success using lab scale systems, bench scale systems, pilot plants, demonstration plants, and small commercial plants.

Cyclic Deactivation Unit
This catalyst testing unit was designed and fabricated by Unitel for a major oil company in Korea. The system is designed to test the lifetime of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalysts. The catalyst is pneumatically transported into the 800°C reactor in which it undergoes several cycles to intentionally poison the catalyst before it is pneumatically transported into a safe area where it can be tested to determine its residual efficiency and lifetime.
Synthesis Gas Conditioning System
Synthesis Gas Conditioning System: This demonstration unit was designed and fabricated by Unitel for RTI International for an end user in California. The purpose of this system is to condition the gas produced by a proprietary gasification process for use in a demonstration scale Fischer Tropsch plant. Some key features of this computer controlled unit include a compressor stage, an adsorption module and a reactor and membrane purification step to yield the required syngas composition.

48 MTPD H2S Production Facility in Europe
On-site H2S production is required for plants making methionine and also for metallurgical extraction applications.
Unitel Technologies has developed a unique process for making H2S by reacting H2 with sulfur in a proprietary multi-stage gas/liquid reactor.